Sunday, February 21, 2010

Writers Block.

I have had every intention of writing here regularly but I'm a slackazz. Well, that and I've not really had alot of funny happy shit to say. Lots of funny sad shit though and I really didn't want to put my shitty mood out here to possibly be contagious and ruin anyone elses day. But recently I've been told by more than one person that I'm being really negative. And I'm all "No, I'm not." which is of course a negative so there's the pudding. So until I figure it out and brilliantly put it into words I'll just have to say "Back off fuckers, I'm in a bad mood."

A previous life.

I miss this "Moment".
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Snow Days; Part 4 - The Truth

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Snow Days; Part Tres

Even the dogs got in on the act. Here's Lulah stamping down the snow.
She's getting her work done fast so she can go to the movies with her friends. There was a Homeward Bound matinee that day.
MotHman of course is just laying around.
If he worked as hard as Bubba and the dogs we wouldn't have a spec of snow left in our yard.
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Snow Days; Part Deux

It's a really good thing I had my crack snow removal team on the job right away. Though I must say the young one worked harder than the old one. You can tell from the photos Bubba was way more serious about his work than MotHman. This is why people have kids. They're much better laborers. Silly child labor laws.
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Snow Days; Part One

It snowed here. Alot. This was the day I was very grateful I didn't have to go to work. Since as you can see, my car was a little piled up. Poor Car. I bought this car when I lived in Florida so I saved quite a bit of money forgoing 4x4 transmission. Silly me.
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